Noah J. Sandstrom

Noah Sandstrom

Chair and Professor of Psychology

Wachenheim Science Center Rm 324


B.A. Knox College (1994)
M.A. Duke University, Psychology (1997)
Ph.D. Duke University, Psychology (1999)


PSYC 315 / NSCI 315 LEC

Hormones and Behavior (not offered 2024/25)

Current Committees

  • Committee on Academic Standing

My lab is broadly interested in plasticity — the ways in which the brain changes as a result of experience. While some experiences are largely considered beneficial (e.g., learning), other experiences are not (e.g., traumatic brain injury). My lab is particularly interested in brain and behavioral changes as a result of mild traumatic brain injuries. Using several models of physical impact along with behavioral and neuroanatomical techniques to explore questions regarding how the brain responds to injury, the time-course of these changes, and the behavioral consequences. In addition, we are exploring environmental and dietary interventions that can shape these responses.