Marlene J. Sandstrom

Marlene Sandstrom

Hales Professor of Psychology

Wachenheim Science Center Rm 225


B.A. Yale University (1991)
M.A. Duke University (1993)
Ph.D. Duke University, Clinical Psychology (1996)

Areas of Expertise

Childhood peer relationships and adjustment; coping and appraisal processes in response to negative peer treatment; aggression and bystander behavior in the school context


Scholarship/Creative Work

Selected Publications
  • Lansu, T.A.M, Sandstrom, M.J., & Cillessen, A.H.N. (In press). From Classroom to dyad:Actor and partner effects of aggression and victimization. Social Development.
  • Sandstrom, MJ, Makover, H., & Bartini, M(2013). Social context of bullying: Do misperceptions of group norms influence children’s responses to bullying episodes? Social Influence,8, 196-215.
  • Sandstrom, M.J. (2011). The power of popularity: Influence processes in childhood and adolescence. In A.H.N. Cillessen, D. Schwartz, & L. Mayeux (Eds). Popularity in childhood and adolescence. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Sandstrom, M.J. & Cillessen, A.H.N. (2010). Life after high school: Adjustment of popular teens in emerging adulthood. Merrill Palmer Quarterly,56, 474-499.
  • Sandstrom, M.J. (2010). Defensive egotism and aggression in childhood: A new lens on the self-esteem paradox. In C. Barry, P. Kerig, K. Stellwagen, & T. Barry (Eds). Narcissism and Machiavellianism in Youth: Implications for the Development of Adaptive and Maladaptive Behavior. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association
  • Sandstrom, M.J. & Bartini, M. (2010). Do perceptions of discrepancy between self and group norms contribute to peer harassment at school? Basic and Applied Social Psychology,32, 1-9.
  • Sandstrom, M.J. & Jordan, R*. (2008). Defensive self-esteem & aggression in childhood. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 506-514.
  • Mayeux, L., Sandstrom, M.J., & Cillessen, A.H.N. (2008). Is being popular a risky proposition? Journal of Research in Adolescence, 18. 49-74.
  • Sandstrom, M.J. (2007). A link between mothers’ disciplinary strategies and children’s relational aggression. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 25, 399-407.
  • Sandstom, M. & Herlan, R. (2007). Threatened egotism or confirmed inadequacy? How children’s perceptions of social status influence aggressive behavior toward peers. Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology, 26, 272-299.
  • Sandstrom, M.J. & Cillessen, A.H.N. (2006). Likeable vs. Popular: Distinct Implications for Adolescent Adjustment. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 30, 305-314.
  • Sandstrom, M.J. (2004). Pitfalls of the Peer World: How Children Cope with Common Rejection Experiences. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 32, 67-81.
  • Sandstrom, M.J. & Zakriski (2004). Understanding the experience of peer rejection. In K. Dodge & J. Kupersmidt (Eds). Children’s peer relations: From development to intervention to policy. APA Press.
  • Sandstrom, M.J., Cillessen, A.H.N, & Eisenhower, A.* (2003). Children’s appraisal of peer rejection experiences: Impact on social and emotional adjustment. Social Development, 12, 530-550.
  • Sandstrom, M.J., & Cramer, P. (2003). Girls’ use of defense mechanisms following peer rejection. Journal of Personality, 71, 605-628.
  • Sandstrom, M.J., &  Cillessen, A.H.N. (2003). Sociometric status and children’s peer experiences: Use of the daily diary method. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 49, 427-452
  • Sandstrom, M.J. & Coie, J.D. (1999). A developmental perspective on peer rejection: Mechanisms of stability and change, Child Development, 70(4), 955-966.

Current Committees

  • Committee on Appointments and Promotions