Edward Dorr Griffin Professor of Psychology, Emerita
Areas of Expertise
Clinical psychology, with research in family therapy change processes, the therapeutic alliance, cognition in family relationships and psychotherapy. Additional research interests: Outcomes evaluation of mental health interventions in diverse community settings and global mental health
Scholarship/Creative Work
Selected journal articles, books, & book chapters
Bold face: student/former student co-author
Illagan, G. & Heatherington, L. (in press). Advancing the understanding of factors that influence client preferences for race and gender matching in psychotherapy. Counselling Psychology Quarterly.
Heatherington, L. (in press) Out of the box: Forging a career in clinical psychology in the liberal arts academy. In N. Newton and J. Bookwala (Eds). Reflections from pioneering women in Psychology. NY: Cambridge University Press.
Friedlander, M.L., Heatherington, L., & Diamond, G.M. (in press) Systemic and conjoint couple and family therapies: Recent advances and future promise. Invited chapter in M. Barkham, W. Lutz, and L. Castonguay (Eds.), Bergin and Garfield’s Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change (7th ed.).
Zahn, C., Heatherington, L., & Klingenborg, B. (2020) Disordered eating- and exercise-related behaviors and cognitions during the first year college transition. Journal of American College Health, 1-12
Friedlander, M. L., Escudero,V., Welmers-van der Poll, M., & Heatherington, L. (2019). Alliances in couple and family therapy. In J. Norcross & M. J. Lambert, Eds. Psychotherapy relationships that work (3rd ed.; Vol. 1: Evidence-based therapist contributions). (pp. 24-78). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Heatherington, L., Bonner, B., Linsley, J., Rosenberg, D., & Patterson, R. (2018).Sustaining outcomes research in residential treatment: A 15-year study of the Gould Farm Program. Psychological Services, Online first: doi.org/10/1037/ser0000253.
Feder, K.A., Heatherington, L., Mojtabai, R., & Eaton, W.W. (2018) Perceived marital support and incident mental illness: Evidence from a two-wave national survey of the United States. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, Online first: DOI: 10.1111/jmft.12343
Friedlander, M. L., Escudero, V., & Heatherington, L. (2018). (Family) Relational Communication Control Coding System. In E. Brauner, M. Boos, and M. Kolbe, Eds. The Cambridge Handbook of Group Interaction Analysis. Cambridge, UK: The Cambridge University Press.
Heatherington, L. & Johnson, B. (2018). Social constructionism in couple and family therapy: Narrative, solution-focused and related approaches. In B. Friese, M. Celano, K.Deater-Deckard,Jouriles, & M.Whisman (Eds.). APA Handbook of Contemporary Family Psychology. Washington, DC: APA.
Heatherington, L., Escudero, V., & Friedlander, M.L. (2018). Where the alliance and systems theory meet: Relationship and technique in brief family therapy. In O.Tishby & H. Wiseman (Eds.). Developing the Therapeutic Relationship: Integrating Case Studies, Research and Practice (pp. 257-288). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Irankunda, P., Heatherington, L., and Fitts, J.J. (2017). Local terms and understandings of mental health problems in Burundi. Journal of Transcultural Psychiatry, 54, 66-85.
Irankunda, P., and Heatherington, L. (2017). Mental health treatment outcome expectancies in Burundi. Journal of Transcultural Psychiatry , 54, 46-65.
Friedlander, M.L., Heatherington, L., & Escudero, V. (2016). Research on change mechanisms: Advances in process research. In T. L. Sexton & J. Lebow (Eds.), Handbook of family therapy (4th ed.; pp. 454-467). New York: Routledge.
Jacoby, R.J. & Heatherington, L. (2015). Growing up with an anxious sibling: Psychosocial correlates and predictors of sibling relationship quality. Current Psychology, 35(1), 57-68,. doi: 0.1007/s12144-015-9360-8
Heatherington, L., Friedlander, M.L., Escudero, V., Diamond, G., & Pinsof, W.M. (2015) 25 years of family therapy research: Progress and promise. Psychotherapy Research (25th Anniversary
Special Issue), 25, 348-364.
Pasipanodya, E. & Heatherington, L. Relationship Satisfaction of HIV+ Ugandan Individuals with HIV- Partners. (2015). AIDS Care, 27, 675-678.
Heatherington, L., Friedlander, M.L., & Diamond, G.M. (2014). Lessons offered, lessons learned:
Reflections on how doing family therapy can affect therapists. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 70,
Heatherington, L., Harrington, N.T., Harrington, J.J., Niemeyer, K.F., Weinberg, S.C., & Friedlander, M.L. (2014). Applying group cognitive behavior therapy for anxiety disorders in community settings: Retention, outcome, and clinical considerations. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 28, 117-133.
Friedlander, M.L., Heatherington, L., & Escudero, V. (2014). Research based change mechanisms: Advances in process research. In T. L. Sexton & J. Lebow (Eds.), Handbook of family therapy. (4th ed.) New York: Routledge.
Heatherington, L., Messer, S., Angus, L., Strauman, T., Friedlander, M.L., & Kolden, G. (2013). The narrowing of theoretical orientations in clinical psychology doctoral training. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 19, 362-374.
Heatherington, L., Friedlander, M.L. & Escudero, V. (2012). Managing negative reactions to clients in family therapy. In J.C. Muran, A.Wolf, & M. Goldfried (Eds.). Managing negative reactions to clients: From frustration to compassion (pp. 113-138). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Muñiz de la Peña, C.,Friedlander, M.L., Escudero, V., & Heatherington, L. (2012). How do therapists ally with adolescents in the context of family therapy? Journal of Counseling Psychology,59, 339-351.
Heatherington, L., Angus, L., Constantino, M., Friedlander, M.L., & Messer, S. (2012). Corrective experiences from clients’ perspectives. In L. Castonguay and C. Hill (Eds.), Transformation in psychotherapy: Corrective experiences across cognitive, behavioral, humanistic, and psychodynamic approaches (pp. 161-190). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Friedlander, M.L., Escudero, V., Heatherington, L. (2011). Using the e-SOFTA for video Training of alliance-related behavior. Psychotherapy, 48, 138-147. Special issue: Technology and Training.
Friedlander, M.L., Escudero, V., Heatherington, L., & Diamond, G. (2011). Alliance in couple and family therapy. In J. Norcross (Ed.). Psychotherapy relationships that work: Evidence- based practice (2nd ed). Oxford University Press.
Boswell, J.F., Sharpless, B.A., Greenberg, L.S., Heatherington, L., Huppert, J.D., Barber, J.P., Goldfried, M.R., & Castonguay, L.G. (2010). Schools of psychotherapy and the beginnings of a scientific approach. In D. Barlow (Ed.). Oxford handbook of clinical psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Escudero, V., Heatherington, L. & Friedlander, M.L. (2010). Therapeutic alliances and alliance building in family therapy. In J.C. Muran & J. P. Barber (Eds.). The therapeutic alliance: An evidence-based guide to practice. NY: Guilford.
Friedlander, M.L. & Heatherington, L. (2009). Addressing systemic challenges in couple and Family therapy research: Introduction to the special section. Psychotherapy Research.
Heatherington, L. & Lavner, J. (2008). Coming to terms with coming out: Review and recommendations for family systems-focused research. Journal of Family Psychology, 22, 329-343.
Heatherington, L., Tolejko, N., McDonald, M. & Funk, J. (2007). Now why’d he do that?: The nature and correlates of mothers’ attributions about negative teen behavior. Journal of Family Psychology, 21, 315-319.
Friedlander, M.L., Escudero, V., & Heatherington, L. (2006). Therapeutic Alliances in Couple and
Family Therapy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. (Also published in
Spanish (La Alianza terapeutica: En las terapia familiar y de Pareja, by Paidós Iberica Press, 2009
and Italian (La Alianza Terapéutica, published by Edizioni CarloAmore Press, 2009.)
Heatherington, L. & Friedlander, M.L. (2006). Manifestations and facilitation of insight in couple and family therapy. In L. Castonguay & C. Hill (Eds.), Insight in Psychotherapy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Jackson, D. & Heatherington, L. (2006). Young Jamaicans’ attitudes toward mental illness: Experimental and demographic factors associated with social distance and stigmatizing opinions. Journal of Community Psychology, 34, 563-576.
Friedlander, M.L., Escudero, V., Horvath, A. & Heatherington, L., Cabero, A., & Martens, M. (2006). System for observing family therapy alliances: A tool for research and practice. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53, 214-224.
Heatherington, L., Escudero, V. & Friedlander, M.L. (2005). Couple interaction during problem discussions: Toward an integrative methodology. Journal of Family Communication, 5, 191- 207.
Heatherington, L., Friedlander, M.L. & Greenberg, L.S. (2005). Family therapy process research: Methodological challenges and opportunities. (Special issue on Methodology in Family Research). Journal of Family Psychology, 19, 18-27.
Heatherington, L., Friedlander, M.L., and Escudero, V. (2004). From dyads to triads and beyond: Relational control in individual and family therapy. In L.E. Rogers & V. Escudero (Eds.), Relational Communication (pp. 101-129). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Gray, S. & Heatherington, L. (2003). The importance of social context in the facilitation of Emotional expression in men. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 22, 294-314.
Heatherington, L. , Townsend, L.S. & Burroughs, D.P. (2002). “How’d you do on that test?”: The effects of gender on self-presentation of achievement to vulnerable men. Sex Roles, 45, 161-177.
Escudero, V., Heatherington, L., & Friedlander, M.L. (2001). Observing couples’ interaction: Integrative analysis of interpersonal control, cognitive constructions, & emotional impact. Metodologia de las Cienicas del Comportamiento, 3, 247-265.
Friedlander, M.L. & Heatherington, L., & Marrs, A. (2000). Responding to blame in family therapy: A constructionist/ narrative perspective. American Journal of Family Therapy, 28, 133-144.jou
Awards, Fellowships & Grants
President, North American Society for Psychotherapy Research, 2011-2013; Past-President, 2013-2015
American Family Therapy Association Award for Distinguished Contribution to Family Systems Research, 2010 (co-awardee: Micki Friedlander)
Williams College Outstanding Mentor Award for Fostering Inclusive Academic Excellence, 2009
Nelson Bushnell Prize Faculty Prize in Teaching and Writing, Williams College, 2008
APA Division 13, Consulting Research Award, First Prize, 1981
USPHS Clinical Psychology Traineeship, Dissertation Fellowship, University of Connecticut
Outstanding Senior in Psychology, Miami University
Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi
Professional Affiliations
Professional Affiliations: American Psychological Association (Divisions 12 , 29, 43); American Psychological Society, International Society for Psychotherapy Research, Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture, National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) – Berkshire County
Editorial Boards:
Current: Psychotherapy Research; Journal of Family Psychology; Journal of Marital and Family Therapy; Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, & Training; Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session.
Past: Journal of Counseling Psychology; Family Process
Board of Directors, Gould Farm, Inc. 1994-2004, 2011-present, Associates Board & Clinical Committee Chair, 1998-2002, 2015-present.
External Reviewer, 12+ psychology departments at liberal arts colleges
Conference Organizer, “Clinical Psychology in the Liberal Arts College: Surviving and Thriving in the 21st Century,” funded by AALAC/Mellon 23 Collaborative Workshop Grant, 2012