Professor of Psychology
M.A. University of Maryland, Developmental Psychology (1999)
Ph.D. University of Maryland, Developmental Psychology (2002)
Areas of Expertise
Professor Hane is a developmental psychologist with expertise in developmental neuroscience, parent-infant mental health, electrophysiology, and behavioral pediatrics. Her research focuses on the social regulation of physiological and behavioral stress responding in infants and children. Professor Hane is an expert in the behavioral observation of quality of parent-infant/child interaction, including emotional reactivity, emotional connection, and parental expressed emotion. Using a comparative physiology approach, this work translates animal models of parental care to human samples and demonstrates that high quality rearing environments are associated with reduced biological and behavioral stress responding in infants and children. This work focuses on understanding the mechanisms through which early life stress is associated with developmental outcomes and translating the methods of basic developmental science for the promotion of relational health in early intervention programming, preschool education, and medical settings.
Students in my Early Experience and Physiology Laboratory at Williams engage in a wide range of projects in collaboration with a team of global collaborators.
Scholarship/Creative Work
Selected Publications. Click here for a complete list of peer-reviewed published work in Pub Med.
- Pandemic beyond the virus: maternal COVID-related postnatal stress is associated with infant temperament. Pediatr Res. 2023 Jan;93(1):253-259. doi: 10.1038/s41390-022-02071-2. Epub 2022 Apr 20. PubMed PMID: 35444294; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9020754.
- Family nurture intervention increases term age forebrain EEG activity: A multicenter replication trial. Clin Neurophysiol. 2022 Jun;138:52-60. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2022.02.018. Epub 2022 Mar 5. PubMed PMID: 35358769.
- O’Banion DD, Hane AA, Litsas D, Austin J, Welch MG. The Welch Emotional Connection Screen: Adapting observational methods to pediatric primary care via resident training. Infant Behav Dev. 2021 Aug 21;65:101629. doi: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2021.101629. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34425493.
- Porges, S. W., Davila, M. I., Lewis, G. F., Kolacz, J., Okonmah-Obazee, S., Hane, A. A., . . . Welch, M.G. (2019). Autonomic regulation of preterm infants is enhanced by Family Nurture Intervention.Dev Psychobiol. doi:10.1002/dev.21841
- Hane, A.,LaCoursiere, J. N.,Mitsuyama, M., Wieman, S., Ludwig, R. J., Kwon, K. Y.,..Welch, M.G.(2018).The Welch Emotional Connection Screen: validation of a brief mother-infant relational health screen. Acta Paediatrica.
- Miller, N. V., Hane, A. A., Degnan, K. A., Fox, N. A., & Chronis-Tuscano, A. (2019). Investigation of a developmental pathway from infant anger reactivity to childhood inhibitory control and ADHD symptoms: interactive effects of early maternal caregiving. J Child Psychol Psychiatry.doi:10.1111/jcpp.130
- Hane, A. A., & Fox, N. A. (2016). Early Caregiving and Human Biobehavioral Development: A ComparativePhysiology Approach. Curr Opin Behav Sci, 7, 82-90. doi: 10.1016/j.cobeha.2015.12.002
- Hane, A.A., Myers, M.M., Hofer, M.A., Ludwig, R.J., Halperin, M.S., Austin, J., Glickstein, S., & Welch, M.G. (2015). Family nurture intervention improves the quality of maternal caregiving in the NICU: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 36, 188-196. doi: 10.1097/DBP.0000000000000148.
- Monk, C.A., & Hane, A.A. (2014). Fetal and infant neurobehavioral development: Basic processes and environmental influences. Invited Chapter for The Oxford Handbook for Perinatal Psychology. Advanced online publication: doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199778072.013.20.
- He, J., Hane, A.A., Degnan, K., Henderson, H.A., & Fox, N.A. (2013). Anger and positive reactivity to novelty in infancy: Effects on surgency and attention regulation in early childhood. Infancy, 18, 184-201. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-7078.2012.00113.x.
- Hane, A.A., & *Philbrook, L.E. (2012). Beyond licking and grooming: Maternal regulation of infant stress in the caregiving context. Parenting: Science and Practice. Special issue,The Arc of Parenting from Epigenomes to Ethics. Advanced online publication. doi.10.1080/15295192.2012.683341.
- Penela, E.C., Henderson, H.A., Hane, A.A., & Ghera, M.M. (2012). Maternal caregiving moderates the relation between temperamental fear and social behavior with peers.Infancy. Advanced online publication. doi 10.1111/j.1532-7078.2012.00114.x.
- Almas, A., Henderson, H.A., Phillips, D., Hane, A.A., & Fox, N.A. (2011). The relations between infant negative reactivity, non-maternal childcare, and children’s interactions with familiar and unfamiliar peers. Social Development, 20, 718-740.
- Hane, A.A., & Barrios, E. (2011). Mother and child interpretations of threat in ambiguous situations: Relations with child anxiety and autonomic responding. Journal of Family Psychology. Journal of Family Psychology, 25, 644-652. Special issue: Parenting at risk: New approaches.
- Pérez-Edgar, K., Reeb-Sutherland, B. C., McDermott, J. N. M., Henderson, H. A., Degnan, K. A., Hane,A. A., Pine, D. S., & Fox, N. A. (2011). Attention biases to threat link behavioral inhibition to social withdrawal over time in very young children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 39, 885-895.
- Degnan, K.A., Hane, A.A., Henderson, H.A., Moas, O.L., Reeb-Sutherland, B.C., & Fox, N.A. (2011). Longitudinal stability of temperamental exuberance and social-emotional outcomes in early childhood. Developmental Psychology, 47, 765-780.
- Hane, A.A., Henderson, H.A., Fox, N.A., Reeb-Sutherland, B.C. (2010). Ordinary variations in human maternal caregiving in infancy and biobehavioral development in early childhood: A follow-up study. Developmental Psychobiology, 52, 558-567.
- Hane, A. A., Cheah, C., Rubin, K. H., & Fox, N.A.. (2008). The role of maternal behavior in the relation between shyness and social withdrawal in early childhood and social withdrawal in middle childhood. Social Development, 17, 795-811.
- Hane, A. A., Fox, N. A., Henderson, H., & Marshall, P. J. (2008). Early behavioral reactivity and approach-withdrawal bias in infancy. Developmental Psychology, 44, 1491-1496.
- Fox, N.A., & Hane, A. A. (2008). Studying the Biology of Human Attachment. In P. Shaver & J. Cassidy (Eds.), Handbook of Attachment, 2nd edition. New York: Guilford
- Fox, N.A., Hane, A.A., & Pine, D.S. (2007). Plasticity for affective neurocircuitry. Currrent Directions in Psychological Science, 16, 1-5.
- Hane, A. A., & Fox, N. A. (2007). A closer look at the transactional nature of early social development: The relations among early caregiving environments, temperament, and early social development and the case for phenotypic plasticity. In F. Santoianni & C. Sabatano (Eds.), Brain Development in Learning Environments: Embodied and Perceptual Advancements (pp. 1-15). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Hane, A.A., Fox, N.A., Polak-Toste, C., Ghera, M.M., Guner, B. (2006). Contextual basis of maternal perceptions of infant temperament. Developmental Psychology, 42, 1077-1088.
- Hane, A. A., & Fox, N. A. (2006). Ordinary variations in maternal caregiving of human infants influence stress reactivity. Psychological Science, 17, 550-556.
Awards, Fellowships & Grants
The Early Experience and Physiology Laboratory is pleased to be part of the PLAY Project.
Professional Affiliations
Fellow, American Psychological Society